Appointment Booking Feature Template

Seamlessly Book Appointments Without all the Back-and-Forth

Reclaim your time with a custom booking solution made for your business

Appointment Scheduling Software Image
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What’s Great About Adalo

Create a Custom Booking App Graphic

Your Solution is Fully Customizable

No more making your business fit software, now your software fits your business

Publish Your App to the App Stores Image

Create Software for Multiple Platforms

Publish to Android, Apple, and the Web with the same app

Create a Fully Custom App with No-code image

Endless Features & Possibilities


Create an app that only has the features you need

Create a Custom Appointment Scheduling System Graphic

Schedule with Ease

Enter your availability into the database and quickly showcase your appointments to your customers. Your customers do the rest! No more back and forth to schedule an appointment, simply book from the app.

Add a Booking Feature with One Click

With Adalo’s Feature Templates, adding a feature has never been easier. Each template comes with actions & the database fully created so you only have to enter your data. Creating a custom app has never been easier.

Create Business Scheduling Software for Your App Image

Booking Across Businesses


Santé et bien-être

Applications d’actualités et de météo

Organisez les dernières actualités ou prévisions météorologiques dans votre application pour tenir vos utilisateurs informés

Alimentation et boissons

Applications financières et cryptographiques

Connectez-vous aux données de niveau institutionnel avec les dernières nouveautés en matière d’actions et de crypto-monnaies


Applications de divertissement et de jeux

Vous êtes intéressé par les choses les plus amusantes de la vie ? Connectez-vous à des personnages fictifs ou à des listes de films

Services professionnels

Applications de photographie

Connectez-vous à des banques de photos gratuites comme Unsplash pour créer de belles images en quelques secondes !
Prêt à commencer ? Consultez notre document d’aide pour configurer votre API dès aujourd’hui !

Vous avez encore besoin d'aide ? Engagez un expert

Les experts Adalo sont prêts à vous aider à faire passer votre application au niveau supérieur.

Foire aux questions

What is a Feature Template?

A feature template is a small set of actions, screens, components, collections, and properties that make up a very specific piece of functionality within an Adalo-made no-code app. Feature templates are smaller than what is traditionally known as a "template" and larger than a screen template. Feature templates are unique in that they can be added to an existing Adalo app and the database will be changed accordingly. Feature templates are dynamic pieces of functionality to create a responsive web or mobile app quickly.

What Kinds of Feature Templates Are There?

There is an ever-growing list of feature templates available in Adalo. From features like chat and browse to other features like purchasing and a social media feed — each template is designed to be fully responsive and customizable.

Here are some of the more popular feature templates to help create your mobile app:

User Chat Feature Template

Prise de rendez-vous

Profil utilisateur et paramètres du compte

Can I Use More Than One Feature Template In an App?

Of course! Our feature templates are made to work with one another. In several of the feature templates, you'll notice they're made with the same branding in order to quickly piece together features and have an app. Even the feature templates that do not share a brand can be used together.