Par David Adkin | Co-fondateur d'Adalo
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Quand avez-vous commencé à vous intéresser au no-code et qu'est-ce qui vous a donné envie de créer votre entreprise ?

Officially back in 2004 when I was working in an agency and had the original idea for Webflow — it was all about removing the need for a coder in the middle of a designer and the client.

I was working with an agency that had very large customers like Apple, HP, Quicksilver, etc. And one day, I saw the invoice for one of those clients, and it was so astronomical! And I thought, okay, there's an opportunity here where we can remove the barrier between what designers want and what actually ends up going live on on the website.

Quelle est votre définition du no-code ?

No-code is any tool that leads to the creation of working software that doesn't require a translation layer of transforming a design to code or to the working product. So it’s basically anytime you’re creating software, workflows, or things that solve a problem that was classically done by a developer but now you’re using a visual interface to do it.

Quand avons-nous commencé à l'appeler "no-code" et qui a commencé ?

Honnêtement, je me creusais la tête sur celui-ci. Ce n’était certainement pas le cas en 2000. Et je sais que le low-code est devenu un terme beaucoup plus répandu, il y a peut-être plus de cinq ans. Je pense donc qu’il y a eu une certaine itération de personnes parlant de code et de low code dans des cas d’utilisation d’entreprise où aucun code n’est né.

Je ne sais donc pas exactement d’où il vient, mais c’était il y a certainement trois ans quand il a commencé à chauffer.

Pouvons-nous régler ce débat subconscient... est-ce No-Code ou No-Code ?

I think it's got to be no dash code. Okay. It has to be. Because it helps with the idea that we're not actually saying there's no code involved. So I think that the no dash code alternative makes that more clear that it's more of a pronoun.

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour les startups, les petites entreprises et les entreprises ?

I think it's going to be weighed much more heavily towards the small startups, entrepreneurs, and smaller businesses initially. In the past you had to spend many months, if not years, of validating a problem before launching it and hoping that users arrive and convert & upgrade, start using it, etc. And now with no-code, that barrier to entry is a lot lower. The speed of all that and the number of people involved is significantly cut down by having tools like Webflow where you can now validate that idea.

Je crois fondamentalement que seuls 10 % de tous les services SaaS ont été créés jusqu'à présent. Je pense qu'il y en a beaucoup plus qui sont en quelque sorte enfermés à l'heure actuelle parce que c'est très difficile à construire.

For enterprises, it’s going to take longer to catch up to that mentality, because they have much, much larger requirements for what an initial version of something needs to do, right. So they need to carve out smaller use cases, maybe it's a tiny landing page or a marketing experiment where they can start to enter the no-code space. But overall, it's going to be an obvious solution to more and more workflows, especially as the tools mature. Because just like spreadsheets, right, there's so many things that used to be built by code that are now solved with just spreadsheets. And you can see this is increasingly becoming the case with Airtable and other sort of workflow automation tools that look like a spreadsheet.

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour les développeurs, les concepteurs et les gestionnaires de projets ?

Je pense que c'est un gradient, selon l'équipe. Et ce que nous voyons le plus chez Webflow, c'est que pour les développeurs - même si conceptuellement beaucoup de gens pensent que nous essayons de faire en sorte que les développeurs n'aient plus de travail, d'accord. Mais en réalité, ce qui se passe, c'est que nous essayons d'automatiser les choses qui sont les plus susceptibles d'être automatisées - donc pour les développeurs, ils sont ravis parce qu'ils peuvent travailler sur les choses difficiles sur les problèmes vraiment intéressants maintenant.

Pour les designers, cela fait d'eux des héros. C'est un super pouvoir, non ? Parce qu'ils font le travail de deux personnes maintenant. Et ils se sentent plus créatifs !

Les chefs de projet peuvent également agir plus rapidement. Ils peuvent valider les idées plus tôt. Ils peuvent tester les choses à la vapeur plus rapidement. Ils peuvent s'appuyer sur leurs concepteurs et sur la phase de recherche, beaucoup plus que l'attente qui se produit dans le cas de la cascade classique où vous concevez quelque chose et vous devez ensuite attendre que le dev aille le mettre en œuvre, ou vous devez le prototyper dans le code et ensuite le présenter d'une manière ou d'une autre aux utilisateurs.

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour les ateliers de développement, les indépendants et les consultants ?

Even If your main value-add to a customer is ‘we’re a dev agency’, at the end of the day, that's not what you're selling. You're not saying selling code. What you're selling is we're going to give you a website, a product or a service, or a mobile app or whatever, that's what you're selling. So no-code helps you get to that much faster.

What we see along among freelancers & agencies especially is that they're able to sell the same value. Which means that they're usually charging the same exact price as the same agency if they have a dev in house or not, because they're providing the same value to the customer. Customers no longer care how it was created.

For non-dev consultants, they can move much faster. They’ll use no-code in the same way they use Excel as a powerful tool. It really speeds up their ability to present something to the client and deliver value.

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour nos vies personnelles, nos enfants, et la disparité économique ?

One analogy that comes to mind is Zoom. Right Zoom, very much focused on the enterprise on like, large scale meetings, etc. Now my kids are upstairs using it as a preschool right? And we're using it to hang out with friends. There's a lag to when that sort of business value is realized and it moves to a more social context. The same is going to happen with no-code.

I think for kids it’s going to become a basic skill almost like literacy. Right now my daughter runs this Animal Facts site where she collects fun facts from her friends, and they're all like, you know, filled with puns and stuff. And she adds new facts where she sort of chuckles as she enters it into the CMS, and then sends a text to her friends saying, like, ‘Check out the latest one!’ No economic value, right? But already understanding the principles that hey, the internet is my playground.

As far as economic disparity, it takes a long time to get a computer science degree. It takes a lot of money to go to these boot camps. You have to have a lot of both resources and luck and privilege and specific kinds of past experiences to even participate in something like that and have the chance to learn something as complex as code. And that keeps a lot of people out. And I think no-code levels that.

Quand sera-t-il aussi courant de créer une application qu'un diaporama ?

5 years.

Quand la plupart des universités et des écoles primaires proposeront-elles des cours sans code ?

At Webflow we know that there are hundreds of colleges already offering classes using it, they might not categorize them as no code. But I think, most colleges, probably, I would say, three years from now.

And in grade school I think the answer is kind of the same but more like 5 years. There’s friction with Terms of Service and signing up for software products so there’s a little to figure out before it’s mainstream.

Quand y aura-t-il plus de produits construits sans code que de produits codés ?

18 to 36 months. Already, we're seeing a lot of momentum of things launching a product and again, because it opens up the ability to create software from like, point 3% to like, maybe 30%. It's just a volume game at that point.

Quand le no-code rejoindra-t-il le low-code en termes de fonctionnalité ?

I think they will never converge. For the same reason that a word processor will never converge with being able to draw something on a piece of paper, there's just like a lot more detail.

Quand verrons-nous un produit au niveau de popularité d'un TurboTax construit avec no-code ?

I want to say there's like a because of the volume game that there's gonna be something that is going to be simple enough and powerful enough and scalable enough that it's just a matter of time that something like that emerges. Maybe it's not going to be like a multi-billion dollar company. Right. But in terms of popularity, one or two years.

Quand le premier produit construit avec no-code sera-t-il introduit en bourse ?

It's hard to predict when the first no-code IPO will be. I definitely believe that it’s possible but I’m not sure when.

Quand y aura-t-il plus d'agences et d'ateliers de développement qui utilisent des outils no code qui ne le font pas ?

Two years. When you realize that there's a better way and all of those other agencies start to run circles around you, you’ll start using them.

Quand les dirigeants mondiaux (présidents, politiciens) commenceront-ils à parler de l'absence de code ?

My best guess is three years because I think we're going to have a whole lot of conversations national and global around retooling and switching more things to digital than classically were based on physical commerce and things like that. And it's just natural.

Quelle est la meilleure histoire de quelque chose que vous avez vu se construire grâce à la révolution sans code ?

There’s an organization called News Story charity. They started five years ago. They were primarily designers and they went to Haiti after a huge disaster and saw that so many people were newly homeless, right, and they saw a huge need. And they wanted to provide a solution, a crowdfunding site, where they wanted to fund families and fund very affordable homes. But they weren't developers, right? So they were able to use Webflow. They were able to fund one family, then 10 families, then 100 families, then they started to augment that with more kind of behind the scenes operations and now, they've raised like 10s of millions of dollars and They're 3d printing homes! 

Getting the power of programming into vastly more hands and getting that barrier to entry much lower, it means much faster better solutions. It’s like electricity, right? Like when we invented it, it wasn't good enough until we brought into a lot more hands and a lot more people could benefit from it. And I think no-code really accelerates that. So to me that's the magic of no-code. That's why I think no-code is needed and why I'm so inspired to keep working on it and making it better.

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Wade Foster
Cofondateur et PDG de Zapier
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À propos de l'intervieweur
David Adkin
Cofondateur d'Adalo | J'aime le design, les chiens et le basket.
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Livre et mini-série The Future is No-Code - Que pensent tous les experts de l'avenir du no-code ? | Product Hunt Embed
Livre et mini-série The Future is No-Code - Que pensent tous les experts de l'avenir du no-code ? | Product Hunt Embed